Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Wiki Topic

My new wiki topic will be a list of parks in Salt Lake County.
I will provide links to maps and parks and rec website.


Rahjur said...

Hey, this may help:

WonderBunny said...
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Sea nettle Soup said...

Hey there-- I will utilize this list! What would be great is if you linked the parks who have their own site (if there are any) also list their addresses (?)-- I love the resource to rent equipment (Did I see frisby on there? Who in the hell needs to rent a frisby? Hilarious they have those-- if they do . . . if they don't. . .

Link to park and rec site-- good points about the events, history of particular parks.

Definitely include Liberty and other parks within the city boundaries, or specify why they are not there. Photos might also enhance your article.

All in all, a great topic-- good luck polishing it out.

WonderBunny said...

You might want to specify that this is just parks managed by Salt Lake County or add parks throughout the entire county and no just those managed by Salt Lake County. That will help it make sense for someone who lives in Sugarhouse and why Liberty Park and many of the little neighborhood parks are not listed.

Jessica13 said...

good idea on the topic, making this more specific or putting history and other information would help i think.

elbrando said...

I'm not sure if a list of parks should be considered in a encyclopedia. Maybe you could focus on one park or something?