This time of year I think of my daughter Anna, she will be turning 1 on the 5th of February. Most people tend to have there memories blend together, the exceptions are the life changing events. Well anytime you have a new addition to your family it changes things around, and not just a little either. I remember the pacing in the hospital halls before my wife's second c-section, worrying that everything would be fine just like before when Gillian came along just 19 months before. I was worrying that would I ever get through school, and would I be the father I thought I could be. You know the classic things you think of when you scared of change. It not a bad thing just kind of crazy. It was nice for the second time for me to go into surgery and take part in the miracle of creation, and hold my baby girl after she was a minute and a half old. Her little body still clinging to me for safety and protection was all that I needed to remind me that no matter what I was important to her, and even if I make a few mistakes here and there; a hug was still around the corner. Sleep on the other hand was difficult your mind still races, plus Gillian not being in the hospital to stay and not with relatives wasn't easy. Looking back it did give me a sense of accomplishment. I mean how many guys say they can take care of young kids for a week plus. It was only three days in reality, but the c-section help with it seemed a little longer. I remember how proud I was of my wife, and how little she complained of the whole mess, but it was nice that she could order any food of the hospital menu. Just taking Anna home from the hospital in her little car seat and bundled up blankets was just the beginning of a new adventure in our home, but eager with anticipation instead of fear and insecurity.
Here are a few shots of her.
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