Monday, February 11, 2008

So what is new????

This conversation was overheard while walking from class to class on campus around 10:30a.m. and trying to catch up on the conversation while writing everything in shorthand was not easy. They are two guys wearing the almost the same type of clothing and and they seem to know a lot about same subjects this was the brief five minutes that was caught between them.

So what have you been doing lately.
Nothing, just catching to see what is new on TV
Well with the strike that the writers have going on there is nothing new.
That is true I have been digging into shows that I used to watch.
Such as?
Well you know I have been partially to shows that catch my attention?
Such as?
Veronica Mars cause she was hot and the shows seems cool.
Never heard of it. Is it still playing and what actress is in it?
No it was canned a few years ago, I think it was cause of a crappy time slot. Actress is Kristen Bell and boy is she sweet. You should check it out.
Is the plot dumb with a hot chick.
Nah, She is a P.I.
Cool, anything else that is good.
Well I have DEAD LIKE ME on dvd.
Dude, I haven't heard of that show either....
Well it cool cause this girl has a toilet seat fall from space and she turns a grim reaper.
What the f***!
It's just funny you will have to borrow it some time.
Ohhhh, Okay that would be cool.
Yeah, I'll bring it next time.
I never knew you watched so much TV.
Well, when you are a parking lot attendant you too can do homework and watch TV all from the comfort of your laptop.
You suck that you have a job like that. I'm jealous you know that.
Well the pay sucks and frankly you're cramped inside a booth and when it's hot you cook, and when it is cool your balls frozen solid. Plus it is boring so I have to have some perks right?
Okay, so I guess you pay a small price. But for school is still better that cleaning like I do. I'm tired when I come home and still haven't accomplished anything.
Ah, yes the grass is greener complex.
Your philosophy class has jacked you up.
It's a clear fact that brain speaks to much crap.
Well frankly, I want to be as broad as possible; there is so much to soak up in the world before you become to old to care to live anymore...
Perspective, right?
Yes, very good your catching on quick grasshopper...
You can be a dick you know that...
I'll let you hang on that thought. I'll see you Thursday.
See you then.


Rich B said...

Conversation is easy to read and decipher who is talking when. The use of highlighted key words was good. Put in some adjectives that describe tone. Some of the phrases would benefit from annotating the inflection of the phrase.

Marcus Sarzalejo said...

I liked it. I would recommend to add a tone of voice or something of the like.

When you read the story out loud there were a lot emotions said but some of them did not come across as such.